불교 자료실

대한불교조계종 제22교구 본사
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불교 자료실

[불자상식.예절]영어-불교와 관련한 용어

  • 지구별여행자
  • 2009-06-05 오후 7:39:47
  • 11,874
  • 메일


총림 : (s)Vana. Training monasteries. Four big monasteries in Korea that provide comprehensive training for monks.  The four monasteries are : T'ongdosa, Haeinsa, Songgwongsa, and Sudoksa
선사 : Zen master
비구스님 : monk, venerable, reverend, sunim
비구니스님 : Buddhist nuns
비구.비구니계 : The Bhikhu/Bhikkhuni precepts
강사스님 : lecturer, Head lecturer, Sutra teacher
강주 : dean
은사스님 : Vocation master, teacher
상좌/제자 : disciple
소좌/납자 : Zen practitioners
사형 : spiritual brother(elder)
사제 : spiritual brother(younger)
성직자 : priesthood
속인 : laypeople
거사 : laymen
보살 : laywomen
보살계 : The Bodhisattva precepts
불자 : Buddhist
행자 : trainees/postulants/Prospective ordinaned/A novice
사미 : novices
사미. 사미계 : The Sami/Samini precepts/Rules for novices
종정 : Supreme master/head/spiritual leader
방장스님 : Zen Master. Chief of the precincts. (This title is reserved for the Zen Masters of the four main training monasteries
율사 : Vinaya Master/Discipline teacher/precept Master
조실 : Official title of the resident Zen Master
주지 : Chief Monk. Abbot. Monastic who holds executive control over the support positions of the monastery.
총무 : a Sunim who is in charge of general affairs.
교무 : Catechist/a sunim who is in charge of education
재무 : a sunim who is in charge of financial affairs
총무원장 : President of order headquarters.
일주문 : on e pillar gate, on e span gate
사천왕문 : The Four heavenly kings. four Grardins gate
불이문 : Non-duality gate
대웅전 : main hall, dharma hall. main dharma hall. main buddha hall. main sanctuary
법당 :main Dharma hall
관음전 : Avalokitesvara hal, a boddhisattva known for compassion
지장전/명부전 : Ksitigarbha hall, a boddhisattva of the deceased
약사전 : healing Buddha hall
미륵전 : maitreya hall, future Buddha
극락전 : Amita Buddha hall
나한전/웅진전 : arhat's hall
설법전 : Teaching hall -where people gather to hear a lecture
산신각 : shrine for mountain god
삼성각 : shrine for three stars
독성각 : shrine for lonely saint, independant
칠성각 : shrine for the seven stars
선방 :  meditation hall
종구 :  bell tower
공양간/후원 : dining place or kitchen
오사채 : living quarters
종무소 : offic, Temple office
종무소직원 : clerk
종각 : Bell Tower(Hall)
보물장 : Temple Museum
장경각 : Hall for storing Sutras, For keeping Sutras.
시자실 : attendant's room
해우소 : toilet, ladies & gents
경내 : courtyard


불상 : statue
목불 : wooden statue
석불 : stone statue
벽화/탱화 : wall painting, Buddhist painting behind th Buddha statue
A buddhist scroll painting. A Buddhist religious painting
탑 : pagoda, stupa
석등 : stone lanterns
Things in Temple
복전함/불전함 : donation box/offering box
단청 : literal meaning is red and blue picture of many colors and designs painted on canopy in temples
온돌 : typical Korean style of underfloor heating
기와 : roof tile
풍경 : windbell
목탁 : wooden percussion instrument used for chanting and worship mokt'ak.
wooden bell-for keeping the rhythm when chanting.
사물 : The Four instruments
  종 : bell, 북 : drum, 운판 : cloud-shaped gong, 목어 : wooden-fish
요령 : handbell
죽비 : Bamboo stick or clapper - dounded three times at the beginning and end of the meditation session
염주 : Beads-worn around the wrist and often used for recitation in order to keep concentration. Buddhist rosary.  Buddhist beads-108  or to 1000 used for counting bows

Things to eat
육식을 안한다 : refrain from meat
채식하다 : eat vegetables on ly
공양 : meal, offerings, Meal in a monastery
발우공양 : sunims's taking formal and ceremonial meal
대중공양 : Festival meal
아침공양 : breakfast
점심공양 : lunch
저녁공양 : dinner
마지(올리다) : to offer rice to the Buddha
Things to wear
승복 : Buddhist robes
가사 : ceremonial garment worn over robes
장삼 : formal monastic robes
고무신 : rubber shoes
걸망 : rucksack/knapsack
누비옷 : quilted clothes

Names of Sutra

경전 : sutra/scripture/canon
대승경전 : The Mahayana Canon
  화엄경 : Avtamsaka sutra/Flower Ornament(garland)sutra.
  법화경 : Saddharmapundarika Sutra/Lotus sutra
  열반경 : Nirvana sutra
  능엄경 : Surangama sutra
  능가경 : lankavatara sutra
  원각경 : The sutra of perfect Enlightenment
  사십이장경 : Forty-two sutra
  반야경 : Prajnaparamitta sutra/Perfection of Wisdom sutra
  금강경 : Vajracchedika sutra/Diamond sutra
  반야심경 : Hridaya sutra/Heart sutra
어록 : record of sayings
유마경 : Vimalakirti
삼장 : 1)The Tripitaka, The three collections of Buddhist sutras, the Bu7ddhist Texts, are divided into three collections;
2)The three collections of Buddhist sutras: the Sutras(경),Vunaya(율), and Abhidharma(논) collections
대장경 : Great Scripture Store, Tuipitika.

Names of Bodhisattva

지장보살 : Chijang Bodhisattva is the on e who delays his becoming a buddha until enlightenment for the people who suffer in the world.
Earth store Bodhisattva.  Ksitigarbha
관음보살 : Kwanum Bodhisattva is the on e who is full of compassion and mercy. Avalokitesvara.
He/She listens to the sound of people and comforts the people
약사보살 : Yaksa is a  healing Bodhisattva who heals and cures the sickness of people.
The Medicine Buddha. Bhaisajyaguru
대세지보살 : Bodhisattva of power. Bodhisattva shown to the right of Amitabha Buddha. Represents wisdom. Mahasthamaprapta
보현보살 : symbolized by the elephant. Samantabhadra. Bodhisattava of Compassionate Action.
아미타불 :(s)Amitabha-buddha. Buddha of the Western Paradise.
The Buddha of the Light.
Buddhism Ceremony
성도일 : Buddha's Enlightenment Day, in Korea held on the 8th day of the 12th lunar month
초파일 : Buddha's birthday
부처님오신날 : the day Buddha came
사십구제 : Forth-ninth day Ceremony ; the memorial service held on the forty-ninth day after a person's death

주지 : 성해 법상 (性海 法祥) / 고유번호 : 415-82-06783 / 22dhs@naver.com
59047 전남 해남군 삼산면 대흥사길 400(구림리 799) 대한불교조계종 제22교구 본사 두륜산 대흥사(頭輪山 大興寺)
종무소 : 061) 534-5502~3 / 템플스테이 사무국 : 061)535-5775 / 팩스 : 061)535-5357
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